• Project Title: OPATRENIA NA REHABILITÁCIU DUNAJA (DaReM – Danube Rehabilitation Measures)
  • Beneficiary VODOHOSPODÁRSKA VÝSTAVBA, ŠTÁTNY PODNIK P.O.BOX 45, Karloveská 2, 84204 Bratislava
  • Project location Bratislava Region, Trnava Region
  • Amount of granted NFA 316 980 EUR
  • Operational Programme Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure
  • Priority Axis 4 Water transport infrastructure (TEN-T CORE)
  • Specific objective To improve the quality of services provided on the Danube waterway
  • Project implementation period 12/2018-7/2022
  • Project description: The subject of the project is to propose solutions for the rehabilitation of the Danube, which will improve the navigation conditions on the Danube to the level required by the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN). The solutions, which will ensure the prevention of siltation of the Hrušov lock, will create the preconditions for the removal of bottlenecks on the TEN-T water transport infrastructure and thus increase the efficiency, reliability and competitiveness of the Danube waterway. Solutions that will contribute to the elimination of siltation of the fairway, which will ultimately contribute to safe and reliable navigation.

The following positive impacts can be expected from the implementation of the rehabilitation measures of the project in the area:

  • Water: groundwater - positive impact on the groundwater regime, increase in the rate of aquifer recharge, increase in infiltration through the riverbed, improvement in the yield of water resources in the near-bank zone of the Hrušov reservoir.
  • Surface water - improvement of surface water flow, ensuring the transfer of extreme flood flows through the Čunovo Stage to the old Danube riverbed.
  • Biota: creation of new nesting/foraging habitats and shelter possibilities for the species concerned, increase in biodiversity of the area/species diversity, creation of new interaction landscape elements supporting the function of the RÚSES skeleton.
  • Transport - ensuring the required parameters of the Danube waterway - smooth and reliable water transport with a supra-regional impact.
  • Tourism/industry/services - indirect positive impact on the development of tourism (sightseeing tourism), development of industry and services (transport/logistics of goods), etc.
  • Climate: significant positive and beneficial impact on climate conditions, the project is part of the adaptation measures to the adverse effects of climate change for the water transport sector.

Information on the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure 2014-2020 can be found at www.opii.gov.sk