• Project Title: Construction of the Dobrohošť - Dunakiliti Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridge
  • Akronym projektu Bridge Dobrohošť - Dunakiliti
  • Operational Programme Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovakia - Hungary
  • Call code SKHU/1601
  • Priority axis Strengthening cross-border mobility
  • Specific objective 2.1 Increase the traffic density of border crossing points along the Hungarian-Slovak border
  • Project code SKHU/1601/2.1/361
  • Main project partner VODOHOSPODÁRSKA VÝSTAVBA, š.p.
  • Cross-border project partner Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium
  • ERDF contribution 2,811,484.14 EUR
  • Začiatok implementácie projektu január 2019

Project Objectives and Results:

The primary objective of the project is to increase the density of border crossings along the Slovak-Hungarian border through the construction of cross-border infrastructure for eco-tourists between the sections of the EuroVelo 6 cycle route in Slovakia and Hungary and with a connection to the TEN-T network.

The trans-European EuroVelo network is the most important zero-emission network and fully complements the TEN-T network.

"EuroVelo incorporates existing and planned national and regional cycling routes into a single European network. It currently consists of more than 45,000 km of cycling routes, with thousands more kilometres planned - over 70,000 km when completed. EuroVelo markings can currently be found in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland and the UK." (Source: ECF)

The proposed new cycling route and bridge will provide for a safer and shorter direct connection between Dobrohošť (SK) and Dunakiliti (HU) and facilitate sustainable accessibility to the Szigetköz and Trnava regions. At the same time, the accessibility of Dobrohošť from the TEN-T network (Mosonmagyaróvár) will also be increased.

In addition, by using the GYSEV green railway infrastructure, the planned infrastructure will provide a faster connection to Rajka railway station via Dunakiliti, as this new connection will improve accessibility from Bratislava (SK) and Győr (HU Hegyeshalom).

Nové cezhraničné spojenie zvýši potenciál “multimodality” – podporí a uľahčí prechod z automobilov ako prevládajúceho spôsob dopravy na režimy s nulovými emisiami (vrátane cyklovania) v cezhraničnej doprave.

Plánované prepojenie ponúkne tiež multimodálnu dostupnosť M15 cez uzol Rajka. M15 je súčasťou základnej siete TEN-T. Aktuálna vzdialenosť medzi Dobrohošťom a jediným prístupným uzlom D2 (pokračovanie M15 na Slovensku) pre sieť TEN-T by sa vďaka novej multimodálnej možnosti medzi Dobrohošťou a M15 znížila o polovicu.

Main construction objects:

Behind the scenes of the project:

The feasibility study and project documentation for the construction permit were prepared with EU support under the Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Cooperation Programme.

Within the feasibility study, 3 variants of the construction alignment and 2 alternative solutions of the bridge construction were developed. From the selected designs, documentation for the building permit was prepared.

According to the documentation for the building permit, the access roads to the bridge will be connected to the existing special purpose roads on both the Slovak and the Hungarian side.

In the direction to Hungary, the cycle path will start at the Dobrohošť hydroelectric power station on a new ground structure, part of which will be constructed with a slope and part of which will be supported by a retaining wall for territorial reasons. A new steel bridge will provide a crossing over the feeder canal into the Danube branch system. The cycle path will continue along the SVP flood protection embankment and further along the new rampart up to the beginning of the bridge structure on the territory of the Slovak Republic. The inundation bridge on the Slovak side will be connected to the joint bridge structure over the old Danube riverbed and this bridge will be connected to the inundation bridge on the Hungarian side. In Hungary, the cycle path will be connected to the special purpose road leading through the Dunakiliti dam. Between the dam and the bridge structure it will follow the route of the existing gravel road.

Current status of project implementation

V súčasnosti prebieha implementácia investičných aktivít projektu, a teda realizácia prístupových ciest na maďarskej a slovenskej strane a hlavného mosta.

Predpokladaná výška celkových nákladov na stavebné práce realizované v rámci projektu je 12,5 mil. EUR.

The contents of this information may not reflect the official position of the European Union.